IsaMil Signature Plot (4 replies and 1 comment)

Maya Rothman
8 years ago
Maya Rothman 8 years ago

In a magazine I was reading that recently JKTech was proud to announce that their laboratory had been assessed and found to conform to the requirements of XT standards as a certified commercial testing laboratory for the determination of the IsaMill™ Signature Plot.

The signature plot is the test for sizing an IsaMill™ amongst other benefits which can be seen here: JKTech is one of ten laboratories certified to offer this test worldwide, and one of only three in Australia.

The JK Centre has a history in the research and development of the signature plot test and JKTech is now happy to be able to offer this certified service to all its valued customers.

8 years ago
Oberfuhrer 8 years ago

Were there comment on the certification process?  For example, what would the expected error (std dev or similar) be for the test procedure as a whole and for the main contributors to error? Does XT standard set a maximum for these factors? Is there a process for periodic recertification?

Maya Rothman
8 years ago
Maya Rothman 8 years ago

Your question regarding acceptance criteria is best directed to XT themselves. A standard test is undertaken in the lab and raw results submitted to XT for analysis. They apply their criteria and certification is granted or withheld. Certification is specific to the operating technician and has to be repeated should you require additional technicians certified. Certification last for two years.

8 years ago
Oberstorm 8 years ago

Just some comments on the certification process.

Error is +/- 5% in the signature plot.

Sources of error and ways to minimize them can be found in this paper from Comminution 12.

The largest contributors to error though are the energy meter, measuring flow, measuring density and laser sizing.

While each of these is minimized through proper techniques some error is inevitable.

XT recertifies each lab every two years.

In this process we run 5 replicate tests of a standard sample.

Each lab must run the same sample and come within 5% of our results.

In the two year period of certification normal commercial work from the labs is also analysed to look for common errors.

Overall it is an expensive process but it ensures the reliability of our 1:1 scale up and that our mills will work as designed when installed.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Does this mean if, for example, we calculate 70 kWh/t for a specific ore at a specific target grind size, using actual signature plot tests, then the specific energy could be 5% above 70 kW/t or 5% below 70 kWh/t?

8 years ago

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