Pyrrotite Ore Grindability (1 reply)

5 years ago
Setta 5 years ago

Hello Guys 

I'm experiencing some difficulties with pyrrotite ore grinding in the SAG mill. Ore has a bond work of about 15 kWh/t. We have a pebble crusher in close circuit with the SAG mill but throughput has been an issue due to ore hardness. Ball charge in the mill is in check. We have experimented with blending in a bit of calcrete and this seems to have improved grindability in the SAG mill. Is there any scientific explanation to this or was this just a mere coincidence? 

5 years ago
David 5 years ago


answering this would involve a 2-day training course. You have not given enough information to diagnose what is going on -- a ball mill work index is meaningless in this context. 

throughput has been an issue due to ore hardness -- How do you know?

We have nothing to work with here...

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