Secondary Grinding (3 replies)

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

For secondary grinding (Ball Mill), what discharge Configuration is ideal with regards to cost saving for atypical copper milling plant with a throughput of say 331dmt/h. Qualify the selection of your recommendation.

Helena Russell
8 years ago
Helena Russell 8 years ago

A simple overflow discharge, with or without trommel screen, is probably the cheapest to maintain. Grate discharges are more difficult to maintain and take some power to operate, but generally require fewer kW per tonne ground. It's an economic tradeoff between higher maintenance cost and lower operating cost. For hard, abrasive ore, keep it simple.

8 years ago
OberstGruppen 8 years ago

I would add by asking is the primary mill open circuit or closed circuit (with a cyclone of fine screen)? For an open circuit primary mill, overflow is probably the way to go. However, for a closed circuit primary mill the benefits of a grate discharge secondary mill are potentially higher.

For example, a secondary mill receiving feed from a closed circuit primary mill might benefit from fine media (38mm or even 25mm). Installing a grate helps retain the fine media (which would be hard to retain in an overflow mill) and can increase efficiency significantly (more throughput, less specific energy).

Something to consider...

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

The SAG mill is in open circuit. The only classification is by a double deck vibro screen with screen aperture of 10X10mm on top deck and 6X6mm on the bottom deck.

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