sizing and selection of ball mills (1 reply)

4 years ago
Azadeh 4 years ago

I try to size and select two ball mills, which the first is in open circuit with feed rate of 125 t/h and its discharge goes to the sump of hydrocyclone and together with discharge of second ball mill, enters to the cyclone for classification. the second mill is in closed circuit with the cyclone with a circulating load of 250%.

now, this is my question: in sizing of the second ball mill, what is the feed flow rate of material? is it 312.5 t/h according to the circulating load?

thank you.

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

Simple answer:  yes 125 x 2.5 = 312.5.  In actual fact you need to to consider the size distribution of the new feed going to the mill, the grind characteristics of the new feed, the performance of the mill in size reduction, the classification efficiency of the cyclone, and the grind characteristics of the material from the cyclone going back to the mill.

So while the basic numbers might be close the actual design characteristics will in all likelihood give a coarser and harder mill feed than the simple answer.  This will likely require more energy input and a different ball charge than just the simple answer might give.  

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