What provisions to take to process sticky ores with a SAG Mill (2 replies)

2 years ago
Siaka 2 years ago

It's that I ask if someone can help me with ideas when we are in front of a mineral which is sticky and which must be milled by a SAG mill

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

Comminution (make little pieces out of big pieces) when dealing with a sticky ore is always a problem, and that goes for both crushing and grinding.The only  thing that works most of the time is scrubbing, but when dealing with large tonnages it can get expensive (both capital and operating costs).  If the tonnage is not too large it may work, or alternatively drying (but again expensive).

The only thing that might help (if possible) is slective mining to combine a less sticky ore with the sticky ore.  Unflortunately this will be only your first problem, as processing after grinding will also be a problem.

2 years ago
David 2 years ago

what do you mean by sticky? where does it stick? In the mill between liners? In the feed chute or conveyor transfer points?


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