Acid Mist solution (2 replies)

4 years ago
MatthieuPrivat 4 years ago

The main fluorochemical reagent for acid mist suppression will be discontinued next year after facing envirronmental issues. The alternative seems to be Mistop, a 20 years experienced solution, sustainable, currently used in several operations worldwide. Are there better alternatives ?

Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

What is the application? Cu EW?

Do you have mechanical mist suppression already like floating balls?

3M has a variety of products for this application as well.


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

4 years ago
MatthieuPrivat 4 years ago

Hi Todd,

Mistop is for Cu and Zn EW. It is recommended to use Mistop in addition to mechanical barriers like floating balls.

3M FC-1100 solution is going to be discontinued soon. 

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