Activated carbon settling in CIL/CIP tanks (1 reply)

3 years ago
jmambsu 3 years ago

In CIL/CIP, what is the minimum density difference (carbon vs. pulp density) where the carbon will start to settle? And the limits of agitation on carbon settling?

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

The design of CIL and CIP usually comprises six or more leaching tanks to perform the required gold dissolution and adsorption using activated carbon, which should be distributed properly through the tanks. The auriferous ore is grounded to 90 to 95% minus 200 mesh (75 microns), the slurry density is controlled at 40-50% solids. The final point depends on the ore characteristics. Lime or NaOH can be added to maintain an appropriate pH, usually 11.  If the slurry density is very high, the carbon will tend to float. If the slurry density is very low, the carbon will tend to sink to the bottom of the tank.

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