Advices to a young gold extraction pratictioner (2 replies)

7 years ago
omer.canieren 7 years ago

I'm a Phd student at mineral processing department. And I'm trying to find a new topic on encountered problems in gold extraction process. Did anyone of you advice me? 

What is the biggest problem in this regard?

Thank you for your interest.


Robert Cook
7 years ago
Robert Cook 7 years ago
1 like by David

I have been interested to know about this for some time.

Leach process air supplied by oil-injected compressors (which are commonly used) may reduce the yield as the oil carryover contains small molecule organic foulant which will tend to clog the pores of the activated carbon. Oil-free compressed air for leach process should allow for maximum gold yield, as well as potentially improve the life of the activated carbon if the regeneration kiln temperature can also be reduced as a result.

7 years ago
Pabloski 7 years ago
1 like by David

Carbonaceous minerals in the leaching feed, more commonly known as natural activated carbon can carry low recoveries during the gold exctraction.

Two phenomena can happen when having natural activated carbon in the feed

  1. Preg-robbing
  2. Preg-borrowing

Basically this activated carbon during leaching acts just like the CIL process, robbing and/or borrowing gold from the solution. The one big difference between this two phenomena is that one is irreversible (preg-robbing) and the other reversible (preg-borrowing).

Solutions you have many, it all depends on your ore types.

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