Can vat leaching method used to extract high grade gold ores with coarsed particles (2 replies)

8 years ago
Biglizer 8 years ago

Hello everyone

Is vat leaching the best method to extract high grade gold with coarser particle, if not why?

What is the best method of extraction besides mercury amalgamation


8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago
1 like by Biglizer

Hi, read 

For coarse gold, try a gravity concentrator: Knelson or Falcon. After that, there is flotation.

max skinner
8 years ago
max skinner 8 years ago
3 likes by Biglizer, and David

You will need to get the course gold out first, like anything larger than about 100 mesh. Course gold just doe's not leach well, very slow. As ace says above you can use Knelson or Falcon concentrators but they are very expensive and takes a lot experience to run well. You can use a jig or even sluice box to get the course gold, both are much cheaper than the concentrators and on some ore's work extremely well.  You can then leach or use flotation to get the fine gold.

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