Carbon inventory and carbon activity improvement (1 reply and 1 comment)

Irene Ibz
8 years ago
Irene Ibz 8 years ago


I have been given a project on carbon inventory and carbon activity improvement. Currently in our plant we are getting a huge change in carbon inventory in CIL circuit during opening and closing stock. Also the activity of carbon is lowering. What could be a reason to these? What can I do to achieve this project?

thank you

8 years ago
Wayne 8 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Irene,

I can only speak on what I have learned in a demonstration plant but it should be similar.  Loading, unloading and moving the carbon around with an eductor system can take a toll on carbon and you are going to track how much you add to replace fines loss, Check this number over time and see if the addition rate has changed.  I don't know how you have been running to date and your tracking procedures. This needs to be done as part of the carbon inventory analysis as well as tracking any changes, operational or mechanical.

If you already do the above, much more information would need to be gathered.  Did you start recently and now notice the change, or have you been running regularly and are seeing a change in the carbon?  how you tackle the problem depends on the history up to this point.

For the activity, the carbon can get fouled and lose activity from organics, flocs etc.which reduce the adsorption ability of the carbon and it should be run through a rotary kiln with a reducing atmosphere ( no or minimal oxygen to prevent oxidation and more carbon loss) once quenched the carbon can be added back into the stream.  This should run on a regular basis so that you are always cleaning a portion of your carbon.  This should help keep the activity up.

A link for a company that recycles

Does this give you any Ideas?



Irene Ibz
8 years ago

Thank you so much wayne, but i also wanted to know how to minimize these losses on carbon. The history is that the open stock as per September 2016 was 100t, added carbon was 15t therefore required carbon was 115t and upon closing stock (End of month) was 89t hence carbon loss was 26t of carbon. On October 2016 open stock of carbon was 89t, added carbon was 10t, required/present carbon was 99t and upon closing stock (End of month) was 99.6t therefore, there was a gain of 1t of carbon. Generally average losses of carbon per month were 7.6t, 8.4t and 9.4t in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 up to October respectively. How will i overcome these huge changes? what exactly should i do in my project to tackle this problem.

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