Carbon pull (1 reply)

8 years ago
vekian 8 years ago

I have years of hands-on experience on various CIL/CIP plants but the one I am currently at have an almost manual process of when a carbon pull has finished from the 1st carbon tank (usually about midnight), to straight away transfer carbon from the 2nd tank into the 1st tank even if the 2nd tank becomes lower than desired. Their reasoning is that it collects more gold if it is in there all dayshift, until pulling carbon on nightshift. Whereas I have am of the thought that I can continue transferring more from the 3rd to 2nd tank till there is enough that when I complete transfer from 2nd to 1st tank both those tanks will have  desired amounts, ready for the night time carbon pull, which is still a few hours away. 

Does moving carbon straight away into the 1st tank collect more gold, or does it just do it quicker than loading up the 2nd tank and then transferring to 1st tank?


8 years ago
Jorge 8 years ago

I think the first tank collects more gold because it receives fresh slurry from the grinding or leaching circuit. In one operation, when we started up the operation, carbon was added in the first tank, and more carbon in the second tank, and the next tanks. Slurry samples were taken in the in the first tank and second tanks. Results indicated a high gold adsorption in the first tank. The same exercise was repeated when the operation was in steady state, results were similar. Carbon from the first tank tends to collect more gold.

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