Chalcopyrite Recovery vs Particle Size (1 reply)

2 years ago
awunderl 2 years ago

Looking for any resources or research on chalcopyrite leaching for recovery vs particle size.  Looking to see the effect of different particle size distributions on a copper recovery curve for run of mine material.  Focusing on larger size fractions as we don't have a lot of data on smaller size fractions.  Anything would be appreciate on this.

2 years ago
Jorge 2 years ago

The application of chalcopyrite leaching has been studied for a long time, but the economy and metallurgy performance are complex. For example, the effect of particle size on copper extraction in sulphuric acid solution at controlled temperature in the presence of sodium chloride at three sizes and large leaching time indicated that copper dissolution was higher at 400 mesh (65%). In this case the surface area improves de dissolution.

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