CIL Circuit (3 replies)

Mahmoud Abdelmonem
7 years ago
Mahmoud Abdelmonem 7 years ago


I have never work in gold processing. I'm trying to understand how the circuit of the CIL process goes and the flow of ore and cyanide and carbon in it , but still somethings confused in tank design.

Suppose there are 4  tanks . The ore enter the first tank from the grinding circuit + Cyanide and the tank no 4 the carbon enter.

The ore pulp flow from first tank to 4th by an upper side entry of each tank and by gravity.

How the carbon pass from 4th tank to third and so on?

Is it continuous operation ?  from diagram I think there will be short circuit problem: that carbon deliver from tank 4 to tank 3 back to tank 4 again by the pulp entry between the many one have further details about the design of CIL tanks and how the circuit flow.


Thanks in advance

7 years ago
ThabisoKwenane 7 years ago
4 likes by Mahmoud Abdelmonem, Mikhail and Jean Rasczak and 1 more...

Hello. In CIL / CIP there are screens called interstage screens. Can either be kambalda or NKM etc. These type of screens are installed in the tanks to retain the carbon from flowing say from tank 3 to tank 4. Carbon is pumped from tank 4 to tank 3 by interstage pumps inside the tank though just underneath the interstage screens to avoid carbon flowing backwards. Therefore carbon will be pumped in that manner till to tank 1, then from tank 1 onto the vibrating screen for the subsequent processes to take place. 

Mahmoud Abdelmonem
7 years ago
Mahmoud Abdelmonem 7 years ago

well , sorry I think I ask silly questions

but May I have further details what the arrangement of densities in tanks ?

Like first layer pulp ,aurocyanide complex , active carbon , loaded active carbon ,then tailing ?

Ashraf Ali
7 years ago
Ashraf Ali 7 years ago

Dear mr Mohamed

I have same project and I face some problem , can we discus this issue if you want can chat WhatsApp 00966535646526 

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