Cil3 Carbon And Loaded Carbon Gold Content (1 reply and 2 comments)

7 years ago
mebrahtu 7 years ago

could you please offer me any idea,suggestion or any exprence with the similar problem before.

as usual operation  we take 2 samples, one from cil tank3 and the other from harvested loaded carbon from cil3 at at the same time but the result is different and more gold on carbon taken from cil3 more than 500 ppm. After facing this problem we trying to fix by taking the same carbon from cil3 split in to two and one split is washed by process water and the other fresh water for 15 mints but the result is the same with average difference 96 i looking forward for ur valuable idea /procedures i have to follow.Thank you!

7 years ago
Jorge 7 years ago
1 like by David

In my opinion, there is a problem in the system installed to remove the loaded carbon. It means that some carbon is not removed from the tank, and this carbon could absorb more gold. When the slurry and the carbon are under agitation and you take a sample, you will really know the gold grade reported in the carbon. Try to review the system used to remove the carbon.

Also, it will be important to consider three labs to determine the gold grade in the carbon. In this way, you can confirm your first results. You can evaluate your lab and determine a possible problem.  

7 years ago

Thanks Jorge for your valuable advice

7 years ago

Hi all,
You have good point of view. But question is, which type transfer pumps are used? Mebrathu, try to take a sample with airlift pumps, scale manufacture. in different points of the tanks.and different levels. and you can make a profile of gold inside of the tank(s)

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