Copper-gold ore using NaCN (2 replies)

7 years ago
Tesaygo 7 years ago

I have a lot of source of copper-gold ore, but my problem is am only knowledgeable on mercury process to get the gold and simple cyanidation technique. Ive already try to leach copper-gold ore, but it seems that the consumption of NaCN is too much than the gold i recover. 

7 years ago
David 7 years ago

Yes, copper will consume cyanide. What is your question? Do you have any data to provide us?

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7 years ago
Mikhail 7 years ago

In order to help you, you need to know how much copper and gold in the original ore? How do you process the ore? Agitation or heap leaching? Phase analysis for copper and gold. Based on this data, I can recommend something

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