Decrease Fine Carbon in CIP-AARL Elution during Gold Extraction (1 reply)

12 months ago
ambblanks 12 months ago

Do you have any suggestion on how I can minimize the production of Fine Carbon in CIP-AARL Elution during Gold Extraction? Also, does anyone have any related literature about economical treatment of Fine Carbon instead of just discarding it?

Todd H
10 months ago
Todd H 10 months ago

The generation of fine carbon can be caused by a number of issues:

Poor carbon quality - too soft, excess fines, too angular

Failure to pre-attrit the carbon prior to usage

High percent solids in the leach

Poor agitator design

Improper handling of the carbon - pump impellers, too fine a screen leaving fines in the system, etc

Test your carbon hardness with a ball-pan test and compare vendors.

KCA has a system for incinerating carbon so you can smelt the gold from the residue.

You can burn the carbon yourself and then smelt the residue if you have the equipment.

Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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