Determination of free acid in the presence of hydrolysable cations (1 reply)

7 years ago
johncramos 7 years ago

Please I´m working in copper leaching project in a laboratory from Peru, and need some information about determination of free acid in the presence of hydrolysable cations by titration. In the test I use Fe(III) ions like catalyzador. please i wait your help.

7 years ago
David 7 years ago
1 like by czambrano

Free Acid Titration Procedure

  1. Fill burette with NaOH (0.20 N) *
  2. Place 50ml distilled H2O in beaker
  3. While stirring add 5ml sample to be tested
  4. Add KI until solution turns clear red
  5. Add 200g/l Na2S2O3 (Hypo) until free iodine color is gone (use care not to add excess)
  6. Titrate to a target pH of 3.35 on pH meter                    

* This value will not be the same all the time.  The titrating solution (NaOH) should be calibrated by titrating it against normal H2SO4 to establish the normality.

Calculation for determining normality of NaOH:

mls normal H2SO4 / mls NaOH = Factor

Factor x normality of H2SO4 = Normality of NaOH

  • Always use high purity water (DI or Distilled).
  • Always titrate a control solution with the unknown.
  • Drain and clean the NaOH burette after use.


mls of NaOH x Normality of NaOH x 49

                     mls of Sample

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