Difference between CaO and CaOH2 with carbon fouling (1 reply)

5 years ago
CA 5 years ago


We operate a small scale leach plant in a region where it is difficult to find hydrated lime for us in pH control.  We tend to only have access to a milled lime ore (artisinal) that comes from local sources.

We are dealing with a very acidic ore, so our artisanal lime consumption can reach almost 25kg/ton of ore.

Is there any significant difference between CaO and CaOH2 consumption in terms of pH control?

Does CaO tend to foul carbon more than CaOH2?


Thanks for your input.



5 years ago
Jorge 5 years ago

You can use sodium hydroxide instead of lime. Many CIL operations add NaOH to get an alkaline pH (10.5-11.0) in the cyanidation circuit.

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