Effect of copper on electrowinning gravity concentrate leach solution (1 reply)

4 years ago
ManUtd67 4 years ago

Considering a gold processing plant that is processing ore that contains some copper (chalcopyrite).  Copper in the ore is around 300-1000ppm.

The flowsheet includes a gravity circuit and so expect the gravity concentrate to also contain elevated copper from the concentration process.

Typically gravity concentrates are treated in an ILR and then the leach solution is electrowon.  This will also leach some copper.

How does the copper in solution affect the electrowinning process for gold and at what levels does the Cu become an issue?

What can be done to combat these effects?

Gene Cheeseman
4 years ago
Gene Cheeseman 4 years ago

Luckily, chalcopyrite is not very soluble in cyanide and its relatively low SG means it won't be in very high concentrations in the gravity concentrate.


It's the other copper minerals you need to be concerned about if present.

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