Galvanized Metal in Cyanide Circuits (1 reply and 1 comment)

COPM Kisadag
7 years ago
COPM Kisadag 7 years ago

It has long been known that using galvanized metal in cyanide circuits should be avoided due to the tendency of the zinc to dissolve and precipitate gold. I am looking for links to articles on the subject that can be used to educate tradespersons and maintenance technical staff on exactly how this takes place and what specifically should be avoided.

7 years ago
Jorge 7 years ago

You should review the key aspects of the Merrill Crowe Process because it employs zinc powder to precipitate precious metals. The reactions on the surface of small zinc particles are similar to the reactions on galvanized metal. 

COPM Kisadag
7 years ago

Thanks Jorge.

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