High barren carbon (1 reply)

12 months ago
Michaelmc 12 months ago

Hey guys,

been having issues with our elution circuit, we have been having high barren carbon results (150 a 400ppm) from loaded carbons anywhere between 900 - 1300ppm, have exhausted all potential ideas

caustic, cyanide, ph, flow rate, temperature, timings, volts and amps of the cells, and pressure all operating under normal conditions

We have changed multiple valves that were slightly passing as well as a semi blocked heat exchanger, all anodes and cathodes as they were becoming badly worn.

Our regeneration kiln hasn’t run reliably for 6 months, no solution loss from cil circuit though, could the gold possibly become trapped in the carbon?

Todd H
10 months ago
Todd H 10 months ago

I would first test the carbon activity both fresh, loaded and eluted. I would then regen some barren carbon in an oven/furnace (lab) and test it again.  I would also examine the acid wash, it is possible that you have a calcium buildup. 

What type of elution circuit are you using?

What is your fresh carbon makeup quantity?

Any chance you have channeling in the strip column?

Normally I would see barren carbon in the range of 50 ppm for a very good circuit.

Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering http://www.global-resource-eng.com

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