Highly acidic gold ore (3 replies)

Paulo V
4 years ago
Paulo V 4 years ago

Hi, I have been doing cyanide leaching test for samples obtained from piles of a material that has been weathered for months. 

The recovery achived was from 60-80% for direct leaching of the head and 90-95% for gravimetric concentrates obtained from wilfley table. The problem is the high cyanide and lime comsunption (40 kg/ton NaCN and 50 kg/ton lime).

We have tried several alternatives to mitigate the acidic nature of the material but none has been effective (addition of hot lime, washing the samples, addition of sodium hydroxide + lime, etc)

What can be the cause of this high consumption? Have someone encounter some similar problem and found a solution?

Thanks in advanced for your replies

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

High sulfide and/or arsenide content in the raw material that weathered now creating high acid content.  Very common problem, and expensive to process.


Paulo V
4 years ago
Paulo V 4 years ago

Thanks for the answer Mike. What best solution do you recommend for treating this ore? 

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

Sodium hydroxide and or lime

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