How do we calculate agitator speed of rotation in gold cip tanka (1 reply)

Austin Muvimi
2 years ago
Austin Muvimi 2 years ago

Hi guys.

May you please school me on how to culculate the optimum mechanical agitator rotation speed in gold CIP plants taking into consideration the tank size and pulp density


Thanks in advance

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

The normal process is to use the coarsest particle size expected and then determining the minimal settling velocity for that size given the pulp specific gravity and partical specifc gravity.  This gives the minimum velocity to keep the tank in suspension.  From this you determine the effective velocity based on tank size. 

Different agitator designs can give this, but will have different speeds.  From this you select an agitator that can give that velocity depending on wether you want high or low shear mixing.


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