what are the effects of leaching time on gold recovery (2 replies and 2 comments)

7 years ago
pk_plus 7 years ago

I would like to know the effects leaching time can have on recovery of gold?

Bob Mathias
7 years ago
Bob Mathias 7 years ago
1 like by pk_plus

Residence time in the CIL circuit is the time taken for the slurry to flow through the tanks, and is an important operational consideration. The longer the gold particles are in contact with the cyanide in the slurry the more gold that will be leached.

Residence time is determined by the volume of the tanks (which is fixed), the slum' flowrate and the slurry density.

2 years ago

What do you think about choosing a balance between leaching and CIL time ?

2 years ago

I mean adsorption time

7 years ago
Pabloski 7 years ago
1 like by David

This is the best I could do

gold rec

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