Industry 4.0 Mineral Processing Plant (1 reply and 1 comment)

John KK
3 years ago
John KK 3 years ago

Hello ,

Is mineral processing industry ready for industry 4.0 , smart plants that can respond in real time or close to real time and use machine learning.

It could be more productive ,fun and fascinating to see this in mineral processing.



3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago
2 likes by John KK and David

The answer is is yes, sort of, maybe.  Newer plants (built in last 10 years) have the instrumentation to at least start this, older plants may or may not.  But this is just the start, knowing what the data means is a different thing.  The ore being fed to a plant can and usually is highly variable, with stockpiles being used to attempt a smoothing out of the variation.  

That said, a mineral processing operation can be run similar to the Industry 4.0 concept if there is a good process simulator for the operation and a method (say on-line analyziers for the raw ore feed) to supply the input to predict what will happen followed by routines to adjust for what does. 

see: What shall we do with a process simulator (

John KK
3 years ago

Thanks SmartDog

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