Is there a need to vat leach amalgamation tailings first before taking them to the CIP.The general r ... (1 reply)

3 years ago
Crisady 3 years ago

Can you tank gold amalgamation tailings straight to the regrind and the to cip without passing through vat leach and still achieve the same recovery.Iam just brainstorming on ways to cut costs without losing my gold.Can someone assist from experience or sound theory

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago
1 like by David

You can repulp and leach the tailings from amalgamation process. Artisanal miners are used to use mercury to recovery free. Tailings from this process are sold to cyanidation plants designed to operate a CIL or CIP process. In some cases the gold grade ican be as high as 15 g/t.

You can perform a testing program to determine the gold extraction, cyanide consumption and optimum particle size. Obviously, it is necessary to charactetize the tailings to have good information.

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