Most Effective Solvent Extraction Method (1 reply and 1 comment)

7 years ago
LenjeLeonheart 7 years ago

I was wondering what solvent extraction method you all would believe to be the most cost effective for a small scale refining op, and the steps you would recommend taking for said method? I'm starting from ore.

Thank you for your time,


7 years ago
(unknown) 7 years ago

I am flummoxed by your question……”starting with ore”, refining? Solvent extraction method?

Solvent extraction is a method or process for concentrating and “purifying” leach solutions to upgrade desired metal concentration prior to subsequent plating by electrolysis (electro-winning) which requires no further refining. Occasionally solvent extraction is used prior to a precipitation process.

7 years ago

I'm trying to use a precipitation process to get the precious metals out of the ore, as opposed to just crushed-
panning or smelting it

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