Need advice for alkaline drip feed - CIP plant startup (1 reply)

4 years ago
oro 4 years ago

I need to setup an alkaline drip for a 1 t/hr solids feed to a small CIP plant.  

What is the most practical method to do this considering the low solubility of hydrated lime? 

I was wanting to use a 55 gal plastic drum but realize 400-500 grams will reach saturation, not nearly enough concentration to achieve 10-11 pH using a slow drip feed.  

The chemicals will feed into a trommel that washes / screens tailings. 

Thank you in advance!

4 years ago
Jorge 4 years ago

Many small scale gold operations in South America are used to add NaOH in the CIL or CIP circuit. You can prepare a solution and add it in different points. 

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