Optimizing carbon inventory in the CIL plant (4 replies and 2 comments)

Irene Ibz
8 years ago
Irene Ibz 8 years ago


In our plant there are carbon which were dumped back then, they are known as reject carbon. These reject carbon consist of grits. In order to save the cost we have decided to reuse these carbon in which their activity is about 12% and they have a mean diameter (d50) of 2.13mm. Now i have been given a project on establishing a mechanism to recycle these carbon back to the system. Does any body have any idea on the most cost effective method to separate carbon from grits? How can i perform this project in the lab scale? what do i need in this project? 

Also i need to know how to establish the carbon wear rate ? And how is it performed in the lab?


8 years ago
Khosana 8 years ago

hi Irene,

Firstly could you please explain your grits to us, are these grits from the mill and why type of material are they?

Irene Ibz
8 years ago

These were the activated carbon that were dumped long time ago, therefore they were accumulated in a pile. Now in that pile of carbon, sand and other dirts also built up due to wind and long time accumulation.

8 years ago

Hie Irene
Activated carbon can be separated from sand and dirt through the use of vertical spiral classifiers

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago
8 years ago
Jaswant 8 years ago
1 like by

Dear friends, separation of carbon can be done on base centrifugal/ density. Because carbon has low density & weight 

Vault Dweller
8 years ago
Vault Dweller 8 years ago

Another option for separation could be; if you already have a Gemini or Wilfley table set up, or access to one, you could possibly split the carbon out.

Or if you could rig an old cyclone up with the right size vortex finder and spigot etc. you may split it out but the drag force on the carbon would be huge, wonder if a dry cyclone on a vac truck could do it? 

Next time maintenance get one on site, ask them to do a trial run on a test batch for an hour. Maintenance will probably be happy to wear the cost, free test work 😉 Then again your attrition rate might be high....nothins free 🙁

To determine the hardness, You could contact your carbon supplier and ask if they could provide details of how they do their testing.

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