Peristaltic pump to transfer loaded carbon (1 reply)

3 years ago
Ceverett 3 years ago

Has anybody tried using a peristaltic pump to transport carbon using little to no water? Our concern is that the carbon will grind against itself and fracture into smaller pieces that make be lost to the undersize of our tailing screen. 

3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago

The issue of carbon degrading due to pumping at high solids concentrations is an issue regardless of the type of pump.  Centrifugal pumps can exacerbate this with the impellor and additional grinding action.  Positive displacement pumps can reduce the degradation by lowering the transport velocity, but some will still be there.  Peristaltic pumps (which are a type of positive displacement pump) can reduce this some more due to not having a metal on carbon contact.  But there will still be some.  So either increase the amount of water and lower the transport velocity.

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