Pre Elution Wash (1 reply and 1 comment)

7 years ago
Goldsing 7 years ago

I would like to understand the Cold Caustic Cyanide Pre Elution Wash methodology for assistance in removing excessive Copper when/if a problem? Is this a simple 'washing' process or is the process complexed i.e Different equipment and circuit required, timely process?



Richard S
7 years ago
Richard S 7 years ago
1 like by David

You can remove copper with the same circuit as set up for elution of gold but you will need to have a separate solution that contains the removed copper and subsequent removal steps.  Copper removal must be done prior to elution of the gold content during stripping and is done at a lower temperature (150F max temp is critical) or you will start to remove gold also.  If you are using a Zadra style system at atmosphere, it is pretty simple to run your elution cycle at the lower temperature first and when the copper removal is complete, increase the temperature to your strip circuit and remove the gold.  You should be able to modify this procedure for pressure Zadra or AARL but will require two stages of elution, the first at the low temperatures and the second at your normal strip temperature.  I have been able to remove 30,000 tp 40.000 ppm Cu from carbon with the two stage strip.  You may want to employ separate electrolysis cells for the copper and the gold to make recovery of the metals separately and more easily done.

Richard S

Austin Muvimi
7 years ago

What strengths quantities of caustic soda and cyanide?

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