Reuse CCD Tail solution (3 replies and 7 comments)

Alex Loutou
7 years ago
Alex Loutou 7 years ago

Dear Colleague,

I work with CCD where tails with 50% solid with cyanide content dumping to detoxification. I plan to increase the % solid to 90-95%. The objective is re use solution cyanide mean reduce cyanide feed to detox.

How I can get it with solution as clear as possibble? by screen or something like that?

Anyone has experience?

Thanks for all helping.



7 years ago
Romain CADENAT 7 years ago
1 like by David

Hi Alex

It depends of the grain size.

You can use a dewatering screen, with which you can reach 80 to 85% solid dependng on your grain size.

For fine grain size, you can use a belt filter of filter press, but this is expensive technology compared to dewatering screen. 


Alex Loutou
7 years ago

Thanks mate,
I interest with dewatering screen but yeah I worries about blockage due to material from CCD U/F which is mic containing flocculent in addition particle size 80.P75 micron.
we have vibrating screen used to trash screen but now mostly standby that's why i want to use it.

7 years ago

Ok, it is a fine grain size, so forget the dewatering screen. The most performing solution is a filter press, and it is dedicated for slimes dewatering. Floculant should not be a problem.

7 years ago

Sometimes somes lime is used to ease the filtration, this is the filter press manufacturer to make test and predict performance and additive if required.

Alex Loutou
7 years ago

Thanks for helping CAD,

7 years ago
Rheomet 7 years ago
1 like by David

CCD underflow (CCD-UF) cannot be screened as far as I know. (If it could, it would not flow, whereas it would stuck instantly in the first thickener - immediate blockage).

As long as your CCD circuit is stable / steady-state, you should not change anything there. Not easy to manage once disturbed, particularly if more than two stages. 

The most common dewatering can be done by filtration of the washed (final) UF discharge. You need to test for unit area requirements and output prediction - a very simple exercise.



Alex Loutou
7 years ago

Thank Rheo,
This is for CCD tail (discharge from end CCD) I want to dewaterig to reuse the water content. I want to dewatering up to et least 80% solid from currently 50% solid but i worries about blockage on screen due to containing flocculant and finer grind size (80.P75 micron).
I have vibrating screen used to trash screen and I will modify to dewatering screen if possibble.

Richard S
7 years ago
Richard S 7 years ago
1 like by David

I think that you are going to have a hard time reaching 90-95% solids, especially if there are a lot of fines or clays in your tails.  You certainly would need to use pressure filtration to try to reach those numbers.  I have observed automated plate and frame filters used in that capacity where the requirement was dry stacked tailings.  You will likely have to move the dry tailings mechanically if you do that as the low moisture tailings would not flow readily.

Alex Loutou
7 years ago

Thanks Richard,
correct, the size quite fine 80.P75 mic as grinding product and clay content. if achievement at least 80% solid it's excelent. The solid then transport to detoxification by conveyor, because of the solution still containing 500ppm cyanide which need to detoxification.

6 years ago

R.. Hello, hope you can help. I have never done this. I am using sod. cyan. in 5 gallon buckets, reuse solution. I have have a lot of sulfur and arsenic and micro. I ground pulp fine. I do not table to concentrate, found I was losing micro to tailings. I started with 10 liters water on 20 lbs, Ph 11, added 200 gram cy, mixed and air for 2 days, strained off solution. Kept pulp in buckets, put solution on 20 lbs fresh pulp, Ph 11, added 15 gm cy. So for now 4 times. Plan is to zinc precip. I have a few questions. The amount of cy would it hurt? can I rinse the pulp with water, then add to solution then zinc? Can the cy solution after zinc precip be reused? Thanks

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