slurry density for agitated leach (2 replies)

8 years ago
makke 8 years ago

We are using steel tanks with of 3000mm diameter, 3600 height and a 2400mm cone at the bottom. Agitation through air at the bottom and 15 cbm of solution. we are looking for teh ideal slurry density (ideally 30 tons of solids) for an 18 hour agitation period.

8 years ago
Cyanide 8 years ago

The optimal slurry density is defined by metallurgical testing. The density of the slurry directly affects the retention time for a circuit The higher the percentage of solids, the smaller the volume required to achieve a specified retention time. Ideally, slurry produced in the grinding circuit for an agitated tank leach circuit will report to a thickener ahead of the agitated leach tanks. The thickener helps to ensure that the feed to the leach circuit is consistent which, in turn, ensures optimal operation of the leaching process. The optimum slurry density is directly affected by the grind size and the viscosity of the slurry.

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8 years ago
makke 8 years ago

I am sorry, I asked a question without giving all the information. we are not running a CIP or CIL. What we are trying to do is to retreat the tailings of artisanal miners without grinding. To date we have always used a CIS circuit and put the tailings in static tanks running the solution through it over a three day period and continuously running the solution through carcon columns in a closed circuit. The idea now is to use agitated tanks to increase the tonnage and extraction rate as well as signicantly reducing the time per cycle from three days to one day. For that reason we want to use the air agitated tanks and then running the decanted solution through a carbon circuit.

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