Sulfide gold ore treatment by roasting (1 reply)

2 years ago
canerdogan 2 years ago


How to i know the ore is calcined or not at the roasting stage before heap leach process. 

2 years ago
Jorge 2 years ago

Roasting is considered a pre-treatment before Carbon-in-Leach Process to treat a refractory gold ore. It is necessary to perform a testing program to determine the effect of particle size (e.g. 70, 50, 40, 30 um K80), temperature (e.g. 500, 600, 700 oC) and residence time (e.g. 1. 2, 3 h) on gold leaching. Gold dissolution is evaluated performing bottle roll tests. For example, If the gold extraction is as high as 90%, the roasting parameters are correct.

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