Which chemical can i use to treat zinc in vat leaching? (1 reply)

4 months ago
Janka 4 months ago

how can i treat zinc in vat leaching?

4 months ago
Jorge 4 months ago

First and foremost, it is necessary to perform some tests in the met lab. you should evaluate the effect of sulphuric acid on zinc dissolution. Some time ago, I performed some tests, the main zinc mineral was willemite, and the presence of smithsonite and hydrozincite was not not important. The particle size is other parameter to evaluate (e.g. 1/2", 3/4", 1"). Also, it is necessary to perform some tests to determine the optimum sulphuric acid strength (e.g. 5g/l, 10g/l, 15g/l).

During the testing program, some sample of pregnant solution must be taken to estimate the zinc extraction.

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