zinc shavings (1 reply and 1 comment)

Ahmed Zaky
7 years ago
Ahmed Zaky 7 years ago


i want to use zinc for gold recovery from leaching solution where i use vat leach method  , what is zinc shavings and how can i use it ( picture of zinc shaving if it is available)

Alex Loutou
7 years ago
Alex Loutou 7 years ago

Use zinc powder with particle size ± 4.5 micron, Zn 95-97%. As I know Zn consumption higher with presence of oxygen so U should reduce the DO to <0.5 mg/L. Prefer to use Merril crowe process.

Ahmed Zaky
7 years ago

thanks for reply but how i can remove DO from solution and please show me how zinc powder is used either by passing solution on zinc as active carbon in cells or by stirring zinc powder directly with solution

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