Calibration standards for combustion analysis (1 reply)

3 years ago
Mreza555 3 years ago

I'm working with a "LECO ONH836" elemental analyzer. we do not have enough calibration samples for Hydrogen. I wanted to know whether it is possible to add 2 one gram samples (5 ppm) instead of a 10 ppm sample. I assume that will work but Is it standard/Scientific? 

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

I believe that it is possible to operate the equipment with 1-gram sample. In this case, the range reported for oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen is as follow,

  • Oxygen: 0.00005 to 50 mg
  • Nitrogen, Helium Carrier Gas: 0.00005 to 30 mg
  • Nitrogen, Argon Carrier Gas: 0.0002 to 30 mg
  • Hydrogen: 0.0001 to 2.5 mg

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