Equipment List for Basic Metallurgical Laboratory (3 replies and 1 comment)

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Hi does anyone out there have "typical" laboratory equipment lists or links to sites that would be useful - Low throughput Au/Ag plant, gravity and flotation. Looking mainly at size frequency, some assay work (using probably AAS), and basic performance monitoring/optimization, just your Basic in-house Metallurgical Laboratory test facility.

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Perhaps you should contact me off-line as I have an 8 page Lab list. Forgive me for being old-fashioned but I still prefer Fire Assay for accuracy. How much work you plan to do and the mix of testwork to laboratory will dictate what you need but should include small jaw crusher, a couple of BICO pulverisors, a lab mill and bottle roll table, driers, blenders, screens. The Denver D12 is probably the best if doing any flotation, but you'll also need filters and vacuum pump, balances pH meters etc.

3 years ago

Kindly can you share the eight page list

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

All depends how much money you have to spend. Low throughput plant I suspect you do not have large budget. Focus from the mill product on. You need AAS (GBC is much cheaper than Varian) - no escape from these. 

For assaying you can use LeachWell system (will save on fume hoods), Alternative is Aqua Regia digest but will add costs and complexity, fire assay is best but cost again higher. Flotation cell - and Denver one, as suggested by Peter is a good choice.

On the prep side a ring mill, bench, bottle roll table, filter presses (though you could get away with vacuum system). Carbon assays outsource (though I work now on del time and cheap system measuring gold deposition). You may need a shaker or Ro-tap for size analysis though minimum can be done manually. Important aspect is dust control so positive pressure extraction systems. This is absolute minimum. You do need to check residues and this will need fire assay so you do it externally.

3 years ago
David 3 years ago

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