Estimate capital cost for a comminution and CIL circuits (2 replies and 3 comments)

6 years ago
Dannyoung 6 years ago

Please, i have been given just the mill throughput of 300tph of a free milling gold ore to estimate the capital cost for purchasing and installing comminution and CIL circuits. Kindly assist me.

6 years ago
David 6 years ago


I guess you are only asking for the processing plant related costs.

In any case look at this 250 TPH CIL plant in Northern Canada. in CAD$

The process plant cost some $US 15,000 for each 1 ton of daily capacity.
$112M $CAD = $90M US$ and $90,000,000/6000TPD = $15,000/T/D

In your case, 300 x 24 = 7200 x $15,000 = $110,000,000 just for the process plant.

This guess is in harmony with what I posted on

approximately how much does a process plant cost

These costs are pre-installation ie: equipment only.

6 years ago

Thanks a lot Dave for the information. What I needed to know are found in the links provided.

Todd H
6 years ago
Todd H 6 years ago

What sort of estimate do you need to supply, just the cost or a list of major equipment and the cost? As David points out one way to achieve this is to look for projects of similar capacity and examine their costs.  These reports are filed usually as NI-43-101 compliant reports and you can search for them online.  David gave you a good one to start with.

If you have to develop this from first principles then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Develop a mass balance and a process flow diagram
  2. Develop the design criteria - operating days, availability, throughput, grind size, retention time, reagent dosage, this will allow you to calculate the required equipment capacity - crusher size, tank volumes and sizes, pump sizes, etc..
  3. Make an equipment list include tanks, screens, conveyors, pumps, agitators, infrastructure etc..
  4. Cost the equipment - you can use previous studies to get rough estimates for the cost and then scale the costs using a 0.6 to 0.7 capacity factor.
  5. Price the indirect costs - installation, EPCM, owners costs, freight, tax, contingency, etc  Installation can be a factor - it ranges quite a bit depending on many variables.  Installation (including civil, steel, electrical, instruments, piping/valves) can be from 1-4 times the equipment cost.  You can find factors online as well.
  6. Add it all up and you should now have a good capital cost estimation in the range of +/- 30%.



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

6 years ago

Todd thank you very much. I'll put together the information Dave and you have provided, and if there is any other request I will make it known to you. Thanks once again.

6 years ago

I needed the list of major equipment and the direct and indirect estimated costs.

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