Gold Metallurgical Accounting And Optimization (2 replies)

Jean Rasczak
8 years ago
Jean Rasczak 8 years ago

Which reference material is important for simplifying Gold metallurgical accounting and optimization?

8 years ago
Standartenfurer 8 years ago

Good of you to raise this issue.

My opening position is that metallurgical accounting has nothing whatsoever to do with optimisation.
Having sad that, I need to explain in more detail; and hopefully bring to attention some ambiguity.

I have often asked: what is the difference between metallurgical accounting and mass balancing?

One key difference is that a Mass balance system sells for between $5 000-10 000; where as a metallurgical accounting system sells for about $200 000; and often with less technical capability than a mass balance system.

Having said that, the main issue is that the two different types of systems are targeted at two different clients (within the same Company). The metallurgical accounting system is targeted at the financial controllers; whereas mass balance systems are targeted at technically-competent engineers.

So when it comes to 'optimisation' one needs to use a mass balance system. However, if one wishes to give the illusion of optimisation, a metallurgical accounting system is often used. In particular the met. Accounting system allows a user to 'optimise' a plant without having to know any technical issues at all.

Clearly the advantage of a metallurgical accounting system is that it is well-designed for the clients; which is why they continue to purchase. It does have some capabilities not available in mass balancing systems which is more to do with GUIs rather than technical algorithms.

Now I also need to explain what I mean by a mass balance system; as I am aware this phrase has multiple meaning.

By 'mass balance' I mean adjusting all measured variables so that mass is conserved across units. Hence a mass balance system can go to the level of assays within sizes.

Indeed a mass balance system can go to greater levels of depth than this.

In contrast some consider a mass balance system to be just for adjusting solid and water flows; and use the expression 'material mass balance' for anything deeper than this.
So had your question been: 'what is the relationship between mass balancing and optimisation' I would have responded.

However I still don't exactly know what you mean by 'reference material'. Elaboration would assist.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

I fully agree we often tend to use different words for the same purpose; mass balancing is very important. Often mass balancing based on different elements from the same samples might give different values.

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