Heap Leaching Software Simulation (2 replies and 1 comment)

4 years ago
lnldtt 4 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a metallurgical software to simulate a heap leaching operation, in order to forecast plant metal production. My first choice is Metsim but is there any other software that anyone could recommend for this specific application? Thanks in advance.  

Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

I used Excel for many years with great success and still do.  MetSim can do the job but the learning curve is steep. I have it but I am still using Excel after many months of having MetSim. I dont know of any others that are useful but here is an article that may help:


 Also, GoldSim can be used for this.  We use it for water balance but it can be used for all kinds of things.  It also is a bit of a black box but has the potential to be very powerful.  You can pay someone to do this using Excel or MetSim as well - like us!


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering http://www.global-resource-eng.com

4 years ago

Thank you very much Todd!

4 years ago
SIMetallurgist 4 years ago

Agree with Todd



-Excel Macro based model - many consultants can build this for you.

You will want to understand your heap leach test work data very well before starting to model. variables like precipitation, active moisture, drain down moisture, leach kinetics, lift height, etc are all important.

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