How to calculate the Scale factor for Mineral Processing equipment (No replies)

6 years ago
anjanisail 6 years ago

During designing the flow sheet of Iron ore Mines I encountered a problem. Initially during the sampling of ore from its faces of mines it was decided that Feed grade of the Iron Ore was like Fe= 63.2% Sio2= 2.8% Al2O3= 2.9%. Fe value fixed for the  Lump , Sinter fines & Pellet fines was = 65%.

But after one year suddenly my client told me that the feed grade of the ore is modified and is Fe= 60.8% Sio2= 3.1% Al2O3= 3.5%. Now on the basis of this input grade of the feed, client want a New flowsheet. Fe value fixed for the  Lump, Sinter fines & Pellet fines is = 64%. 

I have used Lump Jig, Fines Jig, Spiral Concentrator , Ball Mill and WHIMS in the flow sheet.

I have the Laboratory  scale result for iron ore having Fe= 63.2% Sio2= 2.8% Al2O3= 2.9%. How will I calculate the behaviour of equipment for iron ore having Fe= 60.8% Sio2= 3.1% Al2O3= 3.5% and generate new flowshhet. 

My problem is I have Laboratory  scale result for iron ore having Fe= 63.2% Sio2= 2.8% Al2O3= 2.9%.

Please any body guide me how to calculate the yield from each equipment and generate the flowsheet.

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