Low Liberation Degree of iron ore (No replies)

5 years ago
sajjadaghazadeh 5 years ago

Hello Everyone;

I hope you are doing great. I really need your help and hope mine guys could help me.

The fact is that we have faced a very low liberation degree in our iron processing plant. The iron concentration takes place by using primay and secondary ball mill and finally physical separation by Low intensity magnetic separation about 1000 Gauss.

Recently, our iron concentrate could not reach even 64% Fe grade as we grind it finer than 40 micron. We conducted davis tube which the value was about 65% Fe. Also wet magnetic drum in laboratory scale which also reached a value of 63%.

As we know that we have liberation problem here, I would appreciate you if could help me to solve this problem. Is there any kind of solution to upgrade this kind of magnetite,hematite ore? and how?

Appreciate your time 


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