Milling Silicates (with Iron) at 30 bar in Supercritical CO2 with H2O (No replies)

3 years ago
Bonzoboy 3 years ago

I hope this subject is correct for this forum.  I'm looking at a process where high-pressure CO2 (associated with H2O) will be blended in a mill/pulverizer with MgSiO4 (milling the silicates down well below -200 mesh).  I expect the carbonate reaction to take place, but the question is whether or not the milling action and the presence of H2O allow the following reaction to occur simultaneously:

2Fe + 3H2O--> Fe2O3 + 3 H2. 

I looked at the basic thermodynamics of this reaction, and it seems a likely process. During the milling action, the temperature at the interface should be over 200 C  (a guess on my part).  Alternatively, the solution can be introduced at a temperature of 150 to 200 C.  Also, I can inject trace amounts of oxygen into the process.

Fundamentally this seems like an electromechanical alternative for hydrogen production while also milling the silicates.  If so, it matches up nicely to the upstream process I'm looking at

Does anyone have any experience with this?  I've read a few technical papers suggesting that Fe in the silicates will result in H2 production.  But wouldn't Fe spalling off a ball mill result in the same activity?

Thanks in advance.  Sorry if it's the wrong section.  First timer here in the area of crushing/grinding/pulverizing in solvents!

P.S.  An outcome of this million action will also be the production of a slurry of  MgCO3 in water.  I'll reserve my question about slurries until I understand this aspect better.

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