Mini Lab scale pilot plant (8 replies)

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

Does anyone can refer a supplier who can provide a lab scale mini pilot plant which can treat 8-15 kg ore per hour?

We are considering a ready-made thing like that offered by Eriez flotation division.

Kumar Choudhry
8 years ago
Kumar Choudhry 8 years ago

Well, Eriez Flotation Division can provide one like that! I will message you with the contact info for the gentleman who can assist you with information on the system.

Rahil Khan
8 years ago
Rahil Khan 8 years ago

We, at the Ian Wark Research Institute at University of South Australia, can highly recommend the Mini Pilot Plant that Eriez Flotation supply. We use it regularly for both research and short term development/flow sheet testing, and we have the full suite of associated mill, conditioning, configurable mechanical cells, regrind and column.

8 years ago
Sudhirkumar 8 years ago

Good to see you. Your branch in INDIA. I have recommended and purchased few magnet drums from INDIA. I told India-Eriz to introduce Column flotation. But he says he don't have well qualified engineer. I have 24 years of Flotation Lab, Pilot plant, Commercial Column flotation testing. I have my own design for few systems-

•Gas sparging system with air filters.

•Pulp level sensors system with 100% accurate measurements.

•Wash water 100% design to wash each 1mm bubble 100%.

•Dewatering in cyclone, Regrinding of column tail, and feeding system.

All 100% successful and proven technologies! I am proud to say that it is in commercial operation form 2004 till date without any problems. You too can take advantage of my experience by involving me on net marketing. Many top officials know me and believe my ability and experiences. On net you can see that I have given advices and solved many such problems of flotation.

Please be frank and free mind to discuss your business with me. We can do miracles on net business too. I have few equipment designed-

•Lab gas sparging and flotation cell. I can send VIDEO of this.

•Lime powder agitator, dosing-system.

•Gas scrubber in MnO2, furnace, and design.

•On line filters for water, air.

•Moisture traps.

•Compact simple dewatering system with hydrocyclone, and HRT.

•Trash trammel screen,

•Dust control and suppression.

•If you want to me to design customer equipment.

Tarun Karakoti
8 years ago
Tarun Karakoti 8 years ago

ALS Metallurgy in Perth Western Australia has a flotation pilot facility. METS Engineering can manage such test work and piloting programs if you require any help in this regard.

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

Thank you for the very kind advice. But, we want to own a mini pilot plant facility like which is been offered by Eriez flotation. I would like to know whether anyone other than Eriez are supplying or not?

Raje Singh
8 years ago
Raje Singh 8 years ago

I do not understand your comment about having 'talked with Eriez and due to "reversibility" it didn't happen.' I contacted my colleagues about this discussion thread and was told that they forwarded an email but have yet to hear from anyone. Sounds like maybe mixed signals or lost/junked emails. I will forward the contact information to you directly with mine cc'd. We're happy to help source this piece of lab equipment. We just got one in our lab in Erie and it is a great tool. I am very much looking forward to working on flow sheet development projects.

Sachin Prakash
8 years ago
Sachin Prakash 8 years ago

Eriez Flotation Division in Canada, would be interested in talking with you about the Mini Pilot Plant. We have now sold about 30 of these units world-wide, including one to the Wark Institute in South Australia, which has been nicely explained above. We would be very interested in explaining about the equipment and its capabilities. The Mini Pilot Plant is used by research institutes, test services companies and mining companies, and we have some publications that we could share.

8 years ago
Subhash-Kumar-Roy 8 years ago

The desire to do more with fewer samples is always present during flow sheet development. One must be careful to properly select the tool in relation to the goal being sought.

If the goal is to assess if a given flow sheet is stable and will meet the metallurgical objectives of the project (concentrate grades, metal recoveries, etc.), then a locked cycle test is likely the most appropriate tool as it consumes from 10 to 40 kg of feed (depending on feed weight per cycle)

A full mineral processing circuit, implemented in a continuous circuit, takes anywhere from 2 to 6 hours to stabilize from first introduction of feed into the circuit. And then there must be some operating time at stability to conduct the sampling of the circuit. All things considered, the feed requirement exceeds that of a locked cycle test.

For the 8-15 kg per hour feed rate contemplated, the comminution circuit will likely be a batch one and this approach may introduce artifacts in the flotation response. The definition of the comminution circuitry will need to be well thought.

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