Protocol Needed - Testing Carbons for Au loading concentration (1 reply)

3 years ago
Zimboskud 3 years ago

Hi All.

I am desperately looking for a clear protocol for testing the loading of my carbons from CIP to assess how much gold is currently residing on them. Usually I send them to the lab - but it appears as though the accuracy of the labs results has come into question. I have an AA machine and wish to do the test in house in the future. Please would someone send through a protocol if possible. 

Todd H
3 years ago
Todd H 3 years ago

Here is the quickest method I know:

Pulverize a known weight of carbon,(may not need to do this),

Ash the carbon in a furnace (be careful there will be very little material left and it will be high grade), 

Then leach the residue with aqua regia.

Run the aqua regia on the AA - suitably diluted etc..


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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