Slurry Lime Strength Test (4 replies)

3 years ago
Teggry 3 years ago


I'm looking to writing up a procedure on Lime Slurry Strength test.

Can anyone run through what the steps are please?

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

You can use the sugar procedure to determine the CaO content

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

%CaO =  (28 x mL (HCl) x N(HCl))/mg (sample)

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago
1 like by David

The main steps are below

- Take a representative sample and dry it. Homogenize and take 150 g to pulverize

- Homogenize the pulverized material and take 0.5 g

- Add 10 mL of distilled water in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer Flask. Add the 0.5 g, mix and add 50 mL og distilled water

- Heat and boil the system for 5 minutes. Remove tbe flask 

- When the flask is cold, add 50 mL of distilled water, mix the system and add 15 to 18 grams of sugar. The reaction take 15 minutes

- Add 4 to 5 drops of indicator. The titration agent is HCl

- Once the final is reached (the solution has not pink color), observe the mL of HCl added and use the formula



2 years ago
Teggry 2 years ago

Thanks Jorge, Sorry for delayed reply.

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