Thermal conductivity of gem stones (2 replies)

3 years ago
SSSlucin 3 years ago

I recently aquired several raw or uncut stones possibly moisanite or saphire have heated a few to glowing  point and dropped in cold water.

    So my question is what other stones aside from the afore menchioned are capable of this type of thermal conductivity?

3 years ago
SSSlucin 3 years ago

forgot to say the stones passed the test multiple times with no visible effects.

3 years ago
Mike 3 years ago

It will depend on the the individual structure of each mineral sample.  If there are any significant inclusion or fractures planes (which may not be visible) then the stone can fracture quite significantly.  If there no major inclusions or fracture planes then the stone may not fracture.  To determine if it will or will not fracture/shatter you either have to try it or do a detailed microscope and xray examination.  This type of test is expensive.  So just keep trying.  Of course if it shatters it is now worthless, so if you have a lot of money to waste keep at it.

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