tungsten grade and appropriate process flow design (1 reply and 1 comment)

owor laban
6 years ago
owor laban 6 years ago

Hello Members,

please i'm developing tungsten mining and processing project with an average grade of 0.28% with gravity separation, the reserves estimates proves to be big(35Mt)with artisans present in the area as well. i therefore your guidance and comment on my 0.28%  average grade, best choice of recovery by (spiral or zig),appropriate size of plant( large/medium) and if  i can do any mission of stages of plant process like without ball mill and spits?

thank you


Treve Mildren
6 years ago
Treve Mildren 6 years ago
1 like by owor laban

Hi Owor. What is the mineralogy of your Tungsten? Ferberite? Wolframite? 0.28% is a good grade so you are onto a winner.

owor laban
6 years ago

Hi Trever,
Mineralogy is reinite(scheelite) replaced by ferberite with low Mn0 content. It consists of sheeted zones parallel quartz veins with stringers in carbonaceous wall rock(sandstone, shale and mudstone)
Treve, please help me classify tungsten grade ranges from low, fair, good and excellent.?
What do you think should be my cutt-off-grade?
Thanks alot

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