antimony roasting and smelting (1 reply)

1 year ago
hassanasif 1 year ago

i want to roast stubnite ore(sb2s3) with antimony content 53%, sulfur 18% and Si 16%. Becasue silicon content is high, i have decided to go towards roasting followed by carbin reduction. I have a gas powered tilting mellting furnace with a capacity of holding 1 tonne of material. the furnace is designed in a way that the vent is facing towards the cruicible. Can i roast stibnite ore this way?

1 year ago
Jorge 1 year ago
1 like by hassanasif

You can do it, but you have to make sure the gas extraction works well, otherwise the fumes will be in the room. Other point to consider is the temperature, it has to be regulated step by step. Finally, considering the fact you want to use a crucible, it is important to move the charge. You have to think about it. 

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